Medical conditions
Please let us know if your child has a medical condition, including food allergy or asthma . If necessary an individual health care plan will be written for your child and circulated within the school so relevant staff are aware of appropriate care.
If your child has a care plan, please let us know of any changes to your child's condition so we can update the plan.
We have staff trained to deal with specific medical conditions, such as managing diabetes and epilepsy.
In case of emergency evacuation, we have staff trained to assist in the safe evacuation of children with physical difficulties.
Medication in school
School are only able to administer medication which has been prescribed by a doctor and has a pharmacy label. Remember to enclose a spoon or syringe. Parents should complete a form, available from the office, before any medication can be administered.
Antibiotics taken four times daily will be administered in school, but where they are taken three times daily, these can be taken at home - before school, after school and at bedtime.
First Aid
There are a number of qualified first aid staff across the school, also available at lunchtime and playtime.
If your child is seen by a first aider, you will be notified by a written slip taken home at the end of the day. If appropriate, a phone call home will be made. On occasion, you may be asked to collect the child and advised to seek further medical advice.
.In an emergency, an ambulance would be called and parents notified.