Barkerend Road,
Bradford, Yorkshire BD3 0AB

01274 722981

Byron Primary School



ICT Intent

Here at Byron Primary School we believe that Computing and the use of ICT is central to the education of all children.  The subject leader has implemented clear ICT policies, curriculum planning and progression of skills grids that are reviewed and revised each and every year.  At Byron, we aim to give each pupil exciting and stimulating opportunities to learn skills, apply them and develop their technological understanding and skills across a wide range of situations and tasks which are built upon in each year.  Pupils are encouraged to develop a confident and safe approach to Computing and the use of ICT, with the understanding of the capabilities and flexibility of their resources. Teachers know how long each unit lasts for and when to progress to the next unit of work.  With the knowledge that Computing and ICT will undoubtedly continue to form a major part in the children's life at home, in further education and places of work, we ensure the Computing and ICT experiences and abilities that the children are equipped with at Byron are effective and transferable life skills.

ICT Implementation

Here at Byron we have created a comprehensive progression document for staff to follow to best embed and cover all elements of computing curriculum. Staff are trained throughout the year to progress through questionnaires to support their subject knowledge and improve ways to implement in lessons. These knowledge and skills build up year on year to deepen and challenge our learners. It is also a great tool to aid differentiation within different classes.

Our ICT lessons are scheduled for an hour each week, to gain the necessary skills needed at their level. After the skills have been taught, it is also combined with other cross-curricular subjects to enhance learning, develop skills and understanding.

Resources at Byron include Ipads and computers equipped to enhance their learning through the best apps or most relevant programs, for example Scratch (Computer Science units).

Online safety is paramount here at Byron and each year group from year 1 to 6 complete a unit for a half term that builds on prior knowledge. We also have themed days in school, one of which is an annual online safety day.

In the classroom, the expectation is that each class should have a small display up with their current topic and key words that they will be learning about. Children are to be asked about previous words learned to gain sticky knowledge to further develop their learning.

Some lessons will include the use of dialogic talk to enhance learning, whilst others may be skills lessons that can later be applied in ICT and other subjects.

The curriculum has been adapted with the use of the Innovation Curriculum in Bradford (a package purchased by the school) to develop and keep our curriculum up to date and relevant for our learners.

Over the next year, staff will be expected to keep a record through the use of our in-house system Arbor, which is useful to the ICT coordinator, but also not time consuming to staff. Teachers also provide evidence of work to the ICT coordinator at the end of each unit. This helps with pupil interviews.

ICT Impact

Here at Byron we encourage our children to embrace, enjoy and value the curriculum we deliver. We want children and staff to be clear, confident in discussing and reflecting in impact of the journey that they take within ICT. Children are able to talk about their positive experiences at the end of a unit of work or a project through the ICT coordinator, who completes pupil interviews, this gives the subject leader a clear view of what the children have enjoyed learning about as well as checking for sticky knowledge of the curriculum area. The subject leader will also measure the impact of ICT through other areas, such as team teaching, to develop teacher’s knowledge and confidence and through lesson observations. Clear end points show the progress children make; this will be seen through our school’s evaluation through the use of Arbor tracking as stated above. Children’s work is also celebrated through celebration assemblies and also to parents through our schools Twitter account and using the #ictbyron  

Below is the progression of skills for teaching ICT at Byron.