Barkerend Road,
Bradford, Yorkshire BD3 0AB

01274 722981

Byron Primary School

Art and Design 


Art Curriculum Intent

At Byron Primary School our intention is to provide every child with a high quality Art and Design curriculum.  Every child engages in a range of experiences which promote the enjoyment of art and progressively build on their previous learning, achievements and art skills.

Throughout their time at Byron every child will experience the disciplines of drawing, painting, textiles and printing, and sculpture.  This is taught through a series of inspiring, well-planned lessons or through enriching thematic days.

The Art curriculum is further enhanced by trips to local art galleries, such as Salts Mill, as well as inviting artists into school.  This enables our children to access the curriculum, develop an artistic vocabulary, have first-hand experiences and widen their cultural capital.

Art Implementation

In line with our whole school approach at Byron Primary School, art and design is taught through cross-curricular topics and is based on the National Curriculum to ensure a well-structured and broad approach.

In EYFS Art and Design is taught through the EYFS framework through focused modelling and daily provision activities in the continuous provision. Every day there are opportunities for children to paint, draw and create with many different materials and resources.

During the Early Years Foundation Stage, the love for, interest in and confidence in creating is established.

As part of their termly topic work children are taught Art and Design, each year group follows a well-planned curriculum that ensures progression in skills, understanding and knowledge. Wherever appropriate sketchbooks will be used by the children to record their work. This will include collecting ideas, experimenting with techniques as well as developing their own ideas.

Each year group focuses on drawing, painting and sculpture throughout the year with other areas such as printing and textiles being taught in whole school Art Days to ensure full coverage of the curriculum.

Some of the topics covered include portraiture, landscapes and Gothic Architecture as well as Modroc models of Greek athletes and clay vessels inspired by the local artist Dianne Cross.

The work of famous local, national and international artists is explored through topic work and in whole school Art Days.

Art Impact

Monitoring in Art and Design takes various forms.

Firstly, teachers will assess whether children show a clear enjoyment, enthusiasm for and self confidence in Art.

Ongoing assessments take place throughout the year and teachers use this information to inform future lessons, ensuring pupils are supported and challenged appropriately.

Whilst children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are assessed within Expressive Arts and Design and their progress is tracked termly. Age related expectation levels are reported to parents at the end of the reception year.

The impact of our art and design curriculum can be seen not only in our children’s sketch books but also through classroom displays and the school environment.

The Art and Design subject lead will also carry out Pupil Voice interviews on a termly basis to ascertain the pupil’s ability to share their learning experiences confidently and their knowledge of Art and Design.

Below is the Progression of Skills in Art taught at Byron