Barkerend Road,
Bradford, Yorkshire BD3 0AB

01274 722981

Byron Primary School

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Our Classes


Termly Plan

Year 5

Hello and welcome to year 5's page.
If you would like to find out exactly what we are learning this term and which skills they will be learning, please visit the Year 5 termly plan.
Class teachers
  • Mr Hey                                             5 Magorian (5M)
  • Mrs Wright/Mrs Milson                    5 Wilson      (5W)
  • Mrs Bibi                                                5 Horowitz  (5H)


Please can all parents ensure that they listen to their children read at least three times a week and sign the reading record. Thank you. 
Below is the link to our reading resource where you can reserve books to read at home at the correct reading level. 
It is crucial for your child to learn their times tables as this is hugely beneficial with their learning in mathematics. Please encourage them to practise these on a  regular basis so they can fluently recall them mentally. Time Tables Rock Stars is an effective method of helping them to achieve this
Every week, your child will also receive maths homework which needs to be completed on time.
Every week, children will be taking part in PE sessions which is important for their health and well-being. Therefore, please make sure your child remembers to bring in their PE kit every week.

Useful website links

Accelerated Reader Take reading quizzes from the book that you have read, that is specifically at your reading level.  A variety of maths problems and challenges to solve! Times tables practice. Plenty of worksheets and PowerPoint presentations covering most of the core areas of the curriculum. Age appropriate, subject specific activities, games, worksheets and experiments. Also has revision activities.