Barkerend Road,
Bradford, Yorkshire BD3 0AB

01274 722981

Byron Primary School

Ofsted Report 2022

Ofsted Inspectors visited to the school on 4/5 October 2022 and judged the school continues to be good.  The school is very proud and happy that all their hard work is reflected in this outcome. Full report below.


Ofsted Inspectors visited the school in December 2020 as part of their research to evaluate the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our previous full Ofsted inspection was in December 2016, when the school was judged to be good.

Ofsted Report 2016


Byron Primary School


Barkerend Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD3 0AB


Inspection dates


13–14 December 2016


Overall effectiveness




Effectiveness of leadership and management




Quality of teaching, learning and assessment




Personal development, behaviour and welfare




Outcomes for pupils




Early years provision




Overall effectiveness at previous inspection


Requires improvement


Summary of key findings for parents and pupils


This is a good school


The headteacher provides strong leadership. His high aspirations ensure that pupils achieve increasingly well from their starting points.


Senior and middle leaders are effective in checking the quality of teaching and pupils’ progress regularly and bringing about improvements.


Governors are ambitious. They know the school’s strengths and priorities for improvement and provide good levels of support and challenge.


Pupils’ outcomes are improving strongly and have risen significantly since the last inspection. The proportions of pupils reaching the expected standards in Years 1 and 2 phonics are now at the national average.


Pupils make good progress in a range of subjects across the school, especially in writing. Across all years, pupils learn to read fluently and with meaning.


However, in 2016, key stage 2 pupils’ reading outcomes fell. Pupils’ abilities to locate and retrieve information under test conditions were insufficiently developed, as were their skills in making inferences and drawing conclusions.


Different groups of pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, make increasingly good progress, because of

the well-targeted support they receive.


The quality of teaching, learning and assessment has improved notably, and is now good. Staff are keen to learn from each other and from experts in other schools.


On occasions, some teachers do not set tasks for the most able and some disadvantaged pupils that sufficiently challenge them, especially in mathematics.


Early years provision is good. The thoughtfully planned activities ignite children’s curiosity, indoors and outdoors. As a result, the proportion of pupils reaching good levels of development is rising, and is just below the national average.


The school is a harmonious environment in which pupils from a range of different nationalities and backgrounds work, play and learn successfully together.


Parents are positive about the school. They say how well adults care for their children and that they are safe at all times.


The curriculum is well planned to meet pupils’ needs, especially those at an early stage of learning English. After-school clubs and the wide range of visits all promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development well.


You can download the full report below.

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