Barkerend Road,
Bradford, Yorkshire BD3 0AB

01274 722981

Byron Primary School


 Admissions Team, Children's Services

The Local Authority Admissions Team process all admissions to Byron Primary School and also the appeals procedure for these admissions.

Advice and guidance is offered to parents and other agencies regarding the availability of school places and all other admission and appeal related enquiries.

The team also provides advice and guidance concerning current and new legislation relating to admissions and ensures that statutory responsibilities are carried out in accordance with the schools admission and appeal codes.

The telephone number for the Admissions Team is 01274 439211.

Their email address is

You can find further details, guidelines and the Local Authority Policy for School Admissions here:

 Admission Arrangements for Children with Special Educational Needs

In line with the Disability Act and the New Code of Practice, no pupil will be refused admission to the school on the basis of his or her special educational need. We will not discriminate against disabled children and we will take all reasonable steps to provide effective and appropriate educational provision.

Students transferring from other schools, including Nursery provision, with an Education Health and Care Plan or a Statement of Special Educational Need, will have named a school in their plan. Contact between the SENDCo at Byron Primary School and the SENDCo of the provision from where the child is transferring will be established to ensure that all documentation and information is shared and discussed where possible.

Follow the links to navigate to information about

Applying to Secondary school

Applying to Reception

In Year applications

Nursery applications


Our admissions policy is below: